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Open Source


Powered by ARM

RISCOS is open source since october 2018. RISCOS is a 32 bit operating system specially designed for ARM (Advanced RISC Machines) processor.

Most parts of the source code are written in ARM assembler and is available on GIT.


RISC OS Crowdfunding

The software that is developped or ported from other open source projects by the Cloverleaf project will be released as open source after the successful financing by the crowdfunding.



Instant messenger for RISC OS

We have already developped an instant messenger !ChatCube for RISCOS that is available for dowload here and in the RISC OS !Store (or !PlingStore). It includes already a client of the famous Telegram messenger. When we receive sufficient funds we will add more open source messenger clients like Signal, Wire, Riot, Xabber, Kontalk, Linphone and Silence . Also it will be possible to integrate messengers that provide an API (application program interface) like Twitter.

Download here. Or install from the !Pling Store.


Graphics image processing software for RISCOS

The open source graphics editing software GIMP is the next in line that we plan to port. GIMP is a well known program on Linux and Windows.